What you did won’t get you there.
I work with owners of growing companies who largely have the same problem… which is that the way they ran the business when it was smaller no longer works, now that the business is more complex and has more people in it.
The symptoms of this are:-
Team not performing to the standard that you’d like
You are involved at every level of the business, fingers in all the pies
Wheel spinning… you have ideas but they don’t always end up being quickly executed and to a high standard
Lumpy cashflow
Sales and marketing processes that are hit and miss
Inability to switch off from the business.
I run a programme that includes the planning, coaching, education and mindset shifts needed to build a well structured, scalable business, that is enjoyable to run because it doesn’t rely on you.
Let’s have a 15-20 min call, to see if we are a good fit.
Click the “Let’s chat” button to book a slot in my diary.
On the call we’ll establish if the results you’d like to get in your business are the same results I’m experienced at getting for my clients. If yes, then we’ll book a time to meet properly.
Book a 15-20 minute call as a first step.
The three pillars I use when coaching my clients:
75% of what we focus on is business intelligence, which covers sales, marketing, finance, staff, systemisation and more.
20% is about your mindset and personal development. Personal growth is as important as (and drives) your business growth.
Just 5% is on your happiness. Why? Because the 95% that we focus on (business intelligence and psychology), is what enables you to gain true happiness.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Business Coaching work?
Firstly, Jeff will help you decide what your goals are for the business and then create a plan in order to get there. Then in your coaching sessions he will guide you through a tried and tested process to build your business in an accelerated but sustainable way, so that it makes more profit and relies less on you for the day to day running so that you can work on the important things in your business. Through your weekly or fortnightly coaching sessions Jeff will challenge you to do your absolute best work, support you through the things you find difficult and have a fresh perspective on your challenges and opportunities so that you can have a clear vision of how you are going to move forward.
How much does it cost?
Jeff's programme includes:
- Fortnightly coaching for you.
- Four planning days a year for you and your higher-level team.
- Six online masterclasses a year for anyone in your company.
- One personal empowerment day a year to work on yourself.
All for an investment of £2000 per month plus VAT.
What are the benefits of having a business coach?
The first and main benefit of having a business coach is that the business is more profitable. There are few problems in life that can’t be made a little bit easier with more money. One of Jeff’s key focusses on the work that you do together is that the investment you make in coaching is paid back many, many times over with the increase in profit that you have in your business. The other benefits of having a business coach are that Jeff will show you how you can run your business so that it takes up less of your time, meaning you are able to have family holidays, take the occasional day off and over a period of time, actually step back from the business more and more. Other often surprising benefits are that because clients feel more in control of their business their stress levels go down, and they feel more relaxed and confident about the future, and hence become more ambitious. Also, through the learning journey that they go on, clients become more confident and more fulfilled and happy because they grow in to the best versions of themselves through the process.
What if I don't have any time to do any extra work?
Most people feel that way at the start of coaching, which is why some of the very first work will be about creating systems to delegate tasks out to the team so that the you can spend more time working on the business and less time working in the business. In the first 3-6 months working with Jeff, your workload will go down significantly while at the same time the value that you bring to the business increases massively.
Does Jeff have any experience of working in my specific industry/niche?
The first answer is probably, yes. Or an industry very similar.
The second answer is it that doesn’t really matter if Jeff hasn’t had experience of working in your exact business. You’re the expert at doing the thing that your business does, you don’t need another in your business. What you really need is somebody who will help you to apply the generalised principles of business so that you can improve your team's performance, your business's financial performance, the performance of your marketing and sales processes. The principles of how to apply those are universal across all businesses.
How do I know if this is right for me, and how do I get started?
In the first instance, Jeff will have a 15-20 minute conversation with you just to see if it’s going to be a good fit . If your business is the type of business that he gets great results with, and if he thinks that you can work together then he will book in a further 90 minute session which is called a Business Diagnostic Meeting where Jeff will dig deep into your businesses finances, marketing strategies and team performance to find out where the opportunities and bottle necks are and create some ideas for strategies to improve them. At the end of that meeting you will have all the information that you need in order to decide whether or not you think it’s a good fit for you.
One Giant Leap Podcast
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